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  • 🕵️Decrypting Sam Altman's 'Secret' Blog Post

🕵️Decrypting Sam Altman's 'Secret' Blog Post

Plus: The AI Safety Sirens🚨

🔊Listen up, AI Mafia Famiglia! Welcome back to your trusted source for all things AI. Whether you're a seasoned tech connoisseur or a curious newcomer, we've got the insider scoop you crave. Today, we're pulling back the curtain on a hidden gem and venturing into the uncharted territory of AI regulation.

What we’ve got for ya:

  • 🚨The AI Safety Siren

  • 🤫Sam Altman's 'Secret' Blog Post

  • 😂AI Meme of the Day

Let’s get into it!

AI's potential societal-level risks, it turns out, are not all sunshine, rainbows, and cleverly generated sonnets. In fact, The Center for AI Safety just issued a 22-word cautionary haiku:

"Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war."

Who's In, Who's Out

Among those underscoring this Hollywood-worthy plot twist are the bigwigs of OpenAI, DeepMind, Stability AI, and Anthropic. Turing Award winners are in too, making it a real AI 'Who's Who'! Yet, notable absences include Meta’s Chief AI Scientist, Yann LeCun, and Elon Musk. Perhaps they missed the invite in their spam folders?

Now that our AI friends have shifted the topic from hush-hush whispers to public soliloquies, the real cliffhanger is: what's next? Is AI really the Pandora’s Box of the 21st century?

OpenAI is proposing an AI watchdog to keep things on the up and up. Imagine that - an International Atomic Energy Agency for AI! However, let's not ignore the elephant in the room: how does one regulate open-source AI models? It’s like trying to keep a cat from doing... well, whatever it wants.

To top it off, we need everyone on the same page, from Anchorage to Zanzibar. The AI adventure continues and as we navigate these choppy waters, the focus will be on joining hands rather than pushing buttons. Here's hoping we can keep the AI genie in check while still making the most of its magic.

Back in 2019, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman wrote a blog post that slipped under many people’s radars but is now gaining some attention. The original blog post titled “How to be successful”, is 3,500 words (link here).

But hey, fear not! Your main man Data Don has got your back. He’s plunged into the depths of Altman's manifesto, from the first word to the last, bringing back the pearls for your perusal. So sit back and let's unravel these gems together...

  1. Compound Yourself: Life isn't a sprint; it's a marathon. Just like compounded interest, your early choices, learning, and improvements stack up over time, producing a formidable advantage.

  2. Have Almost Too Much Self-Belief: Foster immense self-belief, but balance it with self-awareness. Trust in your judgment and ideas, even if they're contrarian. Let your self-belief fuel morale and inspire resilience in the face of criticism.

  3. Think Independently: Following the crowd rarely leads to the extraordinary. Question consensus. Challenge the norm. Carve your own path.

  4. Learn to Sell: Regardless of your field, being able to sell—an idea, a product, a vision—makes a difference. As a fundamental skill, selling opens up opportunities and allows you to create impact.

  5. Take Risks: Risk-taking isn't just for daredevils. Early in your career, your risk-taking ability is higher than it might ever be. Embrace it, even when it's uncomfortable.

  6. Make focus your force multiplier: Spend more time figuring out the right thing to work on and be relentless in achieving your top priorities.

  7. Work Hard: The 99th percentile isn't an easy reach—it demands not only smarts but also relentless hard work. Dedicate yourself to your purpose, excel at it, and let your impact resonate with something larger than yourself.

  8. Be Bold: Dare to work on what truly excites you. Your ambition is a magnet, attracting help, resources, and allies on your journey.

  9. Be Willful: Persist, insist, and resist the urge to give up. Those who endure and keep going, despite the odds, often succeed. Optimism isn't just a feel-good factor; it's a crucial element of success.

  10. Be Hard to Compete With: Build leverage, create a unique intersection of skills, and design a brand so strong that it can't be easily replicated.

  11. Build a Network: Your network is your net worth. Surround yourself with talented people, help them, and they'll help you grow.

  12. You Get Rich by Owning Things: Don't confine yourself to selling your time; true wealth comes from owning things that increase rapidly in value.

  13. Be Internally Driven: Don't be swayed by external validation. Be driven by your passions and ambitions. Strive to make an impact on the world, not just to impress others. Remember, success is a journey of obsession and commitment

😂 AI Meme of the Day

That's it for today, my AI Famiglia! Keep your eyes peeled for more AI Mafia updates and don’t forget to subscribe and follow us on Twitter (@TheAIMafia).

Till next time, Ciao

Data Don, The AI Mafia's Main Squeeze