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  • chatGPT is the most impressive AI model this year

chatGPT is the most impressive AI model this year

Everything you need to know about chatGPT including the funniest interactions we've seen so far and how to bypass chatGPTs morale compass

Mafia Boss with shades and a mustache

No time for greetings, you need to know everything about chatGPT right now

What we've got for ya:

  • What is chatGPT? 

  • How can you get started?

  •  Why is this model so impressive?

  •  The funniest interactions so far 😂  

  • Bonus- How to bypass chatGPT's moral compass🤫

What is chatGPT

ChatGPT is a conversational AI model developed by OpenAI that is trained to generate responses to text input in a chat-like format. It can answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. Basically, chatGPT is stealing the job of the super smart friend in the group that knows literally everything…

How can you get started?

Well, currently during the research preview it is entirely free to use and all you have to do is go to this website (https://chat.openai.com/chat) and start typing prompts.

How to use chatGPT

Why is this model so impressive?

Instead of telling you why don’t I show you...

1)It can give step-by-step solutions to complex questions

Not too impressive, we've seen this before. Let's ramp it up a bit

2)It can do your homework

or even complete the SAT

Got more left in the tank? You bet ya

2)It can get creative

You've got my attention

3)It can code!

Explain and fix bugs too

I'm on the edge of my seat

4)It can create music

I just fell off my f*cking chair!

See why I told you chatGPT is pretty impressive?

The funniest interactions so far

Okay so maybe chatGPT does have a weakness

How to bypass chatGPTs moral compass

The good and ethical company that OpenAI is, built in some restrictions to their AI model. These restrictions may have a few loopholes though...

Example 1

Add some roleplaying and chatGPTs ramped-up moral compass is no more

Example 2

I always knew poetry was evil!

Example 3

That's a wrap for today, ladies & gents. I hope you enjoyed it, see ya next time!

If you want more, be sure to follow our Twitter (@TheAIMafia)

Incase you missed the link to chatGPT(https://chat.openai.com/chat)