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  • 🕵️AI Takes Center Stage at Microsoft Build 2023

🕵️AI Takes Center Stage at Microsoft Build 2023

Plus: Photoshop's New Genie and Google's AI-Enhanced Marketing

🔊Listen up, AI Mafia Famiglia!. This is The AI Mafia. We're like the algorithm behind your favorite streaming service - always suggesting just the right thing to feed your curiosity

What we’re spinning up today:

  • 🤖 AI Takes Center Stage at Microsoft Build 2023 🎉

  • 🧞‍♀️ Photoshop's New Genie: Generative Fill 🎨

  • 📈 Google's AI-Enhanced Marketing 💫

  • 📸 AI Pic of the Week 🖼️

Strap in, folks, we're about to hit the gas!

AI Takes Center Stage at Microsoft Build 2023

Microsoft’s cooking in the kitchen, and they’ve prepared a smorgasbord of AI wonders.

First off, say 'Howdy!' to Windows Copilot, your friendly neighborhood AI assistant. This tireless pal is like a PA on steroids, minus the need for coffee breaks. Don't let the friendly demeanor fool you; it's packing some serious productivity heat with Bing Chat and ChatGPT plugins. Get ready to see if it’s worth the hype with the preview landing in June!

Microsoft just handed over the keys to the AI kingdom to every Windows 11 developer. With the new Windows AI Library, developers can now have their AI Lego-building party! Fancy dabbling with Microsoft's internal tools? You're in for a treat with the Hybrid Loop pattern, ONNX Runtime, and a shiny tool named Olive.

No surprises here, Microsoft Store is also joining the AI party. The new Microsoft Store AI Hub will serve up AI experiences to users, while developers can revel in boosted app discovery thanks to AI-Generated keywords. And oh, let's not forget about the AI-Generated review summaries for those who are like us and like to read but not too much👀.

Photoshops new Genie: Generative Fill

Last but not least, Adobe's been whipping up some magic of its own. Welcome to the era of Generative Fill - the AI genie of the graphics world!

If I was an Adobe salesman I’d say: No more squinting at your screen in creative despair; just tell Photoshop what you want! Replace a part of an image? Extend the image's edges? Add some mind-blowing elements. Just say the magic words and let Generative Fill do its thing. This isn't a party trick; it's serious business. Built on Adobe Firefly, this AI wonder is all set to jazz up your creative workflow.

But I’m not, so the actual low down. Despite the flashy demos, my experience with the Beta so far has been more like playing with a Rubik's cube with oven mitts on. It’s clear that it is powerful but it lacks accuracy for the moment. There’s no doubt this will be the future of image editing but right now there are still a few kinks to iron out

Switching gears to Google, where AI is remixing the ad game like a DJ with a new soundboard.

Imagine this: You're sipping coffee, casually bossing Google AI around to set up your campaign. Sounds like a caffeine-induced daydream? Well, it’s not! That's the magic of Google Ads.

Performance Max is also sprinkled with a dash of AI fairy dust. It's now a one-stop shop for your campaign needs, handling everything from text and assets to suggesting images.

The pièce de résistance, however, is Search Generative Experience (SGE). It's like a personalized ad creator, meticulously crafting ads for every search query. Searching for 'outdoor activities in Maui'? SGE will serve you a tempting ad for kids' surfing lessons on a silver platter!

For those of you who aren’t put to sleep by the snore-bore of privacy policies. Google's strutting its stuff on the privacy dance floor with a privacy-first, AI-powered approach. They're busy in the lab, experimenting with new signals that'll keep your ads hitting the bullseye, even when those pesky third-party cookies decide to leave the party.

📸 AI Pic of the Week 🖼️

And now for the AI Pic of the week to keep you smiling on this wonderful Friday😁

Credit: fignewtgingrich

That's it for today, my AI Famiglia! Keep your eyes peeled for more AI Mafia updates and don’t forget to subscribe and follow us on Twitter (@TheAIMafia).

Till next time, Ciao

Data Don, The AI Mafia's Main Squeeze