AI Giant with a $1Billion Evaluation

Mafia Boss with shades and a mustache

GM, welcome to The AI Mafia the newsletter that tells you everything you need to know about AI.

Buckle up because you're about to board an express train into the world of AI

What we've got for ya today:

  • Stable Diffusion to Raise at a $1Billion Evaluation

  • There are different types of AI🧐❓

  • Meme of the day

Stable Diffusion to Raise at a $1Billion Evaluation

Unless you've been living under a rock you probably know about Stable Diffusion, the machine learning heavy hitter. Basically, it lets you generate digital images from natural language. So people like you and me can paint like greats. Di Vinci got nothing on me

Don't believe me? Vin Diesel Groot does

What was my point again? Oh yeah, now I remember. The company behind Stable Diffusion is in discussion to raise $100M. Talks are still underway but initial interest has been expressed with an evaluation of $500M from Coatue and $1B from Lightspeed Venture Partners. Not too bad eyy?

There are different types of AI?

Heck yeah, there are and you're about to learn all about them. 

The 4 types of AI:

  • Reactive Machine

  • Limited Memory

  • Theory of Mind

  • Self Aware

Reactive machines- are exactly what they sound like, the device reacts to an input it receives. Unfortunately, these bad boys got learning difficulties. They can't learn, they can only respond to a limited amount of inputs and cannot draw information from memory 

Limited Memory- Hey look at that, the old reactive machine took some Ritalin, and now it can learn from the past. These applications use memory to store reference models to help with future problems. Most AI applications we see today from self-driving cars to virtual assistants use this type of AI.

Theory of Mind- Only a theory for now but these bad boys will be able to understand your emotions, beliefs, and thought processes to serve your needs better. 

Self-aware - Me AI, me have human emotions. That's right self-aware has its own emotions, needs, and beliefs. This is the take over the world, doomsday AI but it is still only a theory for now.

Meme of the Day 

That's a wrap for today, ladies & gents. See ya next time!

If you want more, be sure to follow our Twitter (@TheAIMafia)